
March 31, 2017

The Avdyukov Wedding

Miranda and I met at some point in second grade. We went to church together and quickly became best friends. We teased our siblings together, wrote each other a million notes, and laughed all of the time. I grew up with this lady. We even got to attend high school with each other for a few years before her family relocated to Tennessee.

I met Kirill the day before their wedding in a hotel parking lot, I was unloading my car and my hands were full so I had carried my phone charger with my mouth. The moment I turned around, there was Kirill standing across from me so I awkwardly waved. He never said anything about how stupid/silly I looked with my, “I will not be making two trips,” face and funny placement of a charger and that’s when I knew he had to be a great guy.

All weekend Miranda and Kirill amazed me with their gratefulness and expression of that gratefulness to everyone around them. They are some of the most sincere people I have had the privilege of knowing.

Their wedding took place in Naples, Fl at the Tarpon Cove Yacht & Racket Club. I have never seen so many palm trees in my life guys, I think I’m in love. The ceremony was on a beach a small boat ride away at almost sunset.

The way Miranda and Kirill interact with each other is ridiculously perfect. It’s like they are out of a movie, so loving, as if they are just extensions of the other one.

I wish you guys all of the happiness in the world. Kirill, take good care of my best friend alright?


Featured below is a RARE photo of me. Special circumstances mean sweet photos with my childhood friend.

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Their cake had random raspberry puree throughout the cake. The piece of cake they cut out had a perfect upside down smiley face in it. How insanely cute is that?


